If minor surface stains aren’t removed from your teeth, they will eventually start to penetrate the tooth enamel. When this happens, retail-grade whitening strips or whitening toothpaste will not be potent enough to remove moderate surface stains. In a situation like this, you might be able to whiten your teeth with an at-home dental bleaching gel sold in stores. Many... read more »
If you were to look at your tooth enamel under a powerful microscope, you would see that the surface is made up of microscopic pores that can trap minuscule dark particles. As time passes, these dark particles can settle deeper and deeper into the tooth enamel to cause stubborn stains. If moderate stains do set into your tooth enamel, they... read more »
As you age it’s not uncommon for your teeth to lose their luster, or suffer from significant staining problems. Dr. Joseph Szymczak can help you find the best option for whitening your smile. The depth and degree of staining will go a long way towards influencing the options he recommends. In most cases deeply stained teeth simply cannot be brightened... read more »