Brushing your teeth each morning and night and flossing once per day is essential for removing food material and bacterial deposits from your teeth. At the same time, the American Dental Association also recommends that you have a routine dental checkup performed twice each year by a qualified dentist like Dr. Joseph Szymczak. This outpatient appointment is designed to effectively... read more »
Healthy teeth are essential to the function of your important function of your mouth. To answer this concern, the American Dental Association recommends that you brush your teeth each morning and night as well as thoroughly flossing once a day. They further advise you to have a dental checkup administered by a professionally trained dentist like Dr. Joseph Szymczak. If... read more »
While you should visit your dentist every six months for a routine cleaning, you should also care for your smile at home. You probably know that this means brushing and flossing every day. But do you ever wonder what else you can do to make your at-home oral hygiene as efficient as possible? If you do, you may want to... read more »