dental team | MI Roots Family Dental Tue, 27 Feb 2018 23:25:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips for Preventing Tooth Discoloration Tue, 27 Feb 2018 23:25:47 +0000 Would you like to prevent tooth discoloration? If so, our dentist, Dr. Osenieks, has just the tips you need. Tooth discoloration can be avoided if you’re careful with your choices each day. It can even help just knowing what causes the tooth stains. So, he is happy to give you the tips you need to [...]

The post Tips for Preventing Tooth Discoloration first appeared on MI Roots Family Dental.

Would you like to prevent tooth discoloration? If so, our dentist, Dr. Osenieks, has just the tips you need. Tooth discoloration can be avoided if you’re careful with your choices each day. It can even help just knowing what causes the tooth stains. So, he is happy to give you the tips you need to maintain the white smile you want. Those tips are to:

-Avoid tooth-staining substances: Things like coffee, tea, red wine, tomato sauce, dark berries and other dark foods and drinks can stain the tooth enamel. It’s best to avoid these things if you want to avoid tooth discoloration. If you have to drink dark drinks, do so with a straw so you limit the contact the liquid has with the teeth.

-Don’t use tobacco: Tobacco can severely stain the teeth. It can also affect the oral health and entire health of the body. So, it’s best to avoid tobacco use altogether.

-Use abrasive or whitening toothpaste: Abrasive or whitening toothpaste can remove surface stains on the teeth each day before they have a chance to set in. This can help you keep the white smile you want and can also help you avoid the need for a teeth whitening treatment in the future.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about how to prevent tooth discoloration in Grand Rapids, Michigan, please contact MI Roots Family Dental today at 616-453-0002. Our dental team will be more than happy to help you, and we look forward to your phone call.

The post Tips for Preventing Tooth Discoloration first appeared on MI Roots Family Dental.

How to Reap All the Benefits of Whitening Toothpaste Tue, 15 Aug 2017 03:09:15 +0000 Whitening toothpaste is a great tool that can help you brighten the color of your teeth. However, oftentimes the paste only whitens the smile one to two shades. This might not be the result you’re looking for. However, there are things you can do to get the most out of your whitening toothpaste, and our [...]

The post How to Reap All the Benefits of Whitening Toothpaste first appeared on MI Roots Family Dental.

Whitening toothpaste is a great tool that can help you brighten the color of your teeth. However, oftentimes the paste only whitens the smile one to two shades. This might not be the result you’re looking for. However, there are things you can do to get the most out of your whitening toothpaste, and our dentist, Dr. Joseph Szymczak, is happy to tell you all about them.

First, be patient. The whitening toothpaste typically takes several weeks to show results. So, don’t be discouraged after a week. Keep using the product and don’t worry too much about the timeline required. Also, remember that you can undo your whitening progress by consuming dark foods and beverages and by using tobacco. If it can stain fabric, it can stain your teeth. So, try to avoid these things as much as possible.

Second, brush and rinse after you consume something that can stain your smile. (Remember that it’s best to avoid these things in the first place). Brushing and rinsing can wash the staining particles away and reduce your chances of having even more tooth stains.

Do you have any questions or would you like to know more about how to get the most out of your whitening toothpaste in Grand Rapids, Michigan? If so, please contact MI Roots Family Dental at 616-453-0002 when you get the chance. Our dental team looks forward to hearing from and helping you!

The post How to Reap All the Benefits of Whitening Toothpaste first appeared on MI Roots Family Dental.

Mouthguards: The Three Appliances that Can Protect Your Smile Thu, 29 Sep 2016 19:24:04 +0000 Mouthguards in Grand Rapids, Michigan, are strong, reliable appliances that cover your teeth and protect your smile. It’s best to wear a mouthguard while you participate in contact sports and activities. This is important because the guard will prevent tooth injury when hard, forceful objects hit your smile. There are many different types of mouthguards [...]

The post Mouthguards: The Three Appliances that Can Protect Your Smile first appeared on MI Roots Family Dental.

Mouthguards in Grand Rapids, Michigan, are strong, reliable appliances that cover your teeth and protect your smile. It’s best to wear a mouthguard while you participate in contact sports and activities. This is important because the guard will prevent tooth injury when hard, forceful objects hit your smile.

There are many different types of mouthguards you can choose from, and some of those guards are:

Stock mouthguards: A stock mouthguard is available at most sporting goods stores. It’s the cheapest and easiest option available, especially because it’s already preformed and ready to be worn. All you need to do is take it out of the package and put it on your teeth. However, because the guard is performed, there is little you can do to change its shape and fit.

Boil-and-bite mouthguards: A boil-and-bite mouthguard is also available at most sporting goods stores, but you can slightly adjust the fit. Because it’s made of thermoplastic material, it will soften when heated. So, all you need to do is put it in boiling water, put it in your mouth, and then apply pressure to it with your fingers and tongue. Once it cools, it will harden to the shape of your smile.

Custom-fitted mouthguards: A custom-fitted mouthguard is designed for you and it is made by your dentist. Because of the special material used and the extra time and work involved in creating the guard, it will provide pristine protection and comfort.

As you can see, there are plenty of products you can use to protect your mouth. So, please pick one up or schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Joseph Szymczak, regarding a custom mouthguard. We are happy to help you in any way we can, so please call MI Roots Family Dental at 616-453-0002 today.

The post Mouthguards: The Three Appliances that Can Protect Your Smile first appeared on MI Roots Family Dental.

All About Teeth Grinding Fri, 08 Jan 2016 22:21:16 +0000 Teeth grinding is a dangerous habit that is also known as bruxism. Many people suffer from this habit and they don’t even know it. So how do you know if you grind your teeth? Well, if you ever wake up with a dull headache or sore jaw, chances are that you participate in the habit. [...]

The post All About Teeth Grinding first appeared on MI Roots Family Dental.

Teeth grinding is a dangerous habit that is also known as bruxism. Many people suffer from this habit and they don’t even know it. So how do you know if you grind your teeth? Well, if you ever wake up with a dull headache or sore jaw, chances are that you participate in the habit. If this is the case, please seek treatment as soon as possible.

To help you better understand teeth grinding, we have provided information on the causes, risks, and treatments associated with bruxism:

There are many things that can cause teeth grinding. Some of the causes include stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, an abnormal bite, missing teeth, or crooked teeth. For children, causes generally involve irritations in the mouth, allergies, and teeth misalignments. Even though teeth grinding is a very scary habit and it should be treated immediately, children tend to grow out of the habit by the time they are teens.

If you do not treat this dangerous habit, your teeth could be severely damaged. You will also suffer from dull headaches, jaw soreness, loose teeth, and fractured chompers.

Treatments for the teeth-grinding habit vary depending on the cause. Generally, night guards are the first treatment offered. Night guards should be worn while you sleep so when you clench and grind your teeth, your smile will be protected. Another treatment is relaxation medicine. This medicine will help you relax, which will help you avoid clenching and grinding. Other treatments include orthodontics, counseling, and exercise.

If you have any questions or if you would like to talk to Dr. Joseph Szymczak about your chances of participating in this habit, please call MI Roots Family Dental today and schedule an appointment. All you need to do is dial 616-453-0002 and we will be there to help you. We look forward to hearing from you!

The post All About Teeth Grinding first appeared on MI Roots Family Dental.
